Monday, October 21, 2013

Mercy Me!

Brewer-Odell Brewing Company

Beer- Myrcenary Double IPA

Style- American Double/ Imperial IPA

ABV- 9.30%

Description – Myrcenary pours a slightly hazy golden blond color with super frothy white head that dissipates and leaves a heavy lacing on the glass.  The aroma is a punch in the nose with a fruity hop bouquet.   The scents of kiwi, orange, apricot, and lemon dominate followed with a bit of piney hops and a sweet grain backbone.  The upfront taste if citrus hops with orange and lemon being the prevailing balanced by sweet caramel malts that wash over the taste buds and take the edge off of the hop bite before leaving a very long dry finish.  The medium body and carbonation give this beer a smooth and almost creamy like feel in the mouth.  Myrcenary is a fantastic example of the style and showcases what can be done with a very popular style in the hands of a true master.

Food pairing – Imperial IPA’s typically make for wonderful pairings with spicier dished, however Myrcenary makes for a perfect combination with a wider variety.  Try pairing Myrcenary with your favorite barbeque dishes; ribs, chicken, brisket, and sausage all make for an extremely enjoyable experience with this beer.  The sweet caramelized meat and sauce will highlight the malt profile in the beer while the hops will add another layer of sweetness to the BBQ sauce.  Also try pairing with oily fish such as salmon prepared in your favorite style with a squeeze of lemon.  The oily fish will meld into the beer and the hops will accentuate the citrus in the lemon.Whatever you choose this is one DIPA that can hold its own and add a lot to any dish.

The Final Word – Myrcenary is an absolutely stunning imperial IPA.  This style is dominated by aggressive hop forward beers that tend to lose their balance with the overpowering hops.  However, Myrcenary maintains its perfect balance despite the aggressive hopping.  This makes for an extremely easy drinking imperial IPA, not an easy feat by any stretch of the imagination.  If you are lucky enough to have Odell available in your market than you should already know the world class status they have achieved is very well deserved.  If you have not tried Myrcenary from Odell yet though, I cannot suggest strongly enough that you track this one down.  This beer is also rare in being an imperial IPA that is extremely approachable by all, even if you are new to the style.


Where can I get it? -  Odell beer can be found in: AZ, CO, ID, KS, MN, MO, NE, NM, SD, and WY

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