Tuesday, October 22, 2013

A World Class IPA

Brewer-Odell Brewing Company

Beer- Odell IPA

 Style- American IPA

ABV- 7.00%

Description – Odell’s IPA pours a somewhat hazy semi-orange golden hue with a thick frothy white head that dissipates and leaves a great amount of cobweb like lacing on the glass.  The aroma is a masterful showcase of hops with notes of grapefruit, orange, pine, resin, and tropical fruits out front with caramel and honey malts providing a strong backbone.  The pine and grapefruit cut through the malts and hit the palate first with the grainy malts clinging to the hops and taste buds and linger for a long dry finish of malt sweetness and piney hops.  The body is in the medium range with a moderate amount of carbonation that cleanses the palate very well in between sips.  Odell’s IPA does tend toward the hoppier side but still maintains a fantastic balance for yet another amazing Odell beer.

Food Pairing – The hop bite from Odell IPA makes it the perfect selection to have with spicier dishes.  Try pairing with your next curry dish or spicy Thai food.  The hops with dance in circles around the spices and the sweet malts will cool and cleanse the palate impeccably.   This is also a perfect beer to have with shellfish or any seafood dish in general and be sure to include some lemon in the dish to enhance the hop presence.  The perfect carbonation in this beer enables it to stand up to heartier and spicier dishes that some of its IPA compatriots may fall apart against.  So do not be afraid to pair this IA with very spicy dishes, it can handle whatever you throw at it!

The Final Word – Odell IPA is a true standout in a marketplace that is very oversaturated with India Pale Ales and where many tend to taste similar to the next. The balance of the beer with the hop choices made create a beer that can be enjoyed in large quantities without the slightest hint of palate fatigue while still delivering a great hop bite.  This IPA certainly belongs on any top 10 list for IPA’s and ranks up there with the best of them both in hop presence and overall enjoyment.  This is an absolute must try for any fan of IPA’s and craft beer in general.


Where can I get it? -  Odell beer can be found in: AZ, CO, ID, KS, MN, MO, NE, NM, SD, and WY

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